(RCA HB-3 data courtesy Paul Bigelow and John Shriver)

RCA Tenative Data               June 20 - August 1, 1946

                26D6 PENTAGRID CONVERTER

                GENERAL DATA


Heater, for Unipotential Cathode:

   Voltage.............. 26.5  ac or dc volts

   Current.............. 0.07  amp

Direct interelectrode Capacitance:

   Grid #3 to all other electrodes (RF Input)  7.5* uuf

   Plate to all other electrodes (mixer output) 14* uuf

   Grid #1 to all other electrodes (Osc input) 5.8* uuf

   Grid #3 to Plate                   .30 max* uuf

   Grid #1 to Grid #3                 .15 max* uuf

   Grid #1 to Plate                   .03 max* uuf

   Grid #1 to External Shield and all other

      Electrodes excepth cathode and Grid #5   2.9  uuf

   Grid #1 to cathode and Grid #5              2.8@ uuf

   Cathode to External Shield and all other

      Electrodes except Grid #1               15.5  uuf

* with external shield connected to cathode

@ with external shield connected to other electrodes


Mounting Position............. Any

Maximum Overall Length         2-1/8"

Maximum Seated Length          1-7/8"

Length from Base Seat to

   Bulb Top (excluding tip)    1-1/2" +/- 3/32"

Maximum Diameter               3/4"

Bulb                           T-5-1/2

Base                           Miniature Button 7-Pin

   Basing Designation for BOTTOM VIEW........7CH

   Pin    Electrode

    1     Grid #1

    2     Cathode & Grid #5

    3     Heater

    4     Heater

    5     Plate

    6     Grid #2 & Grid #4

    7     Grid #3


Maximum Ratings, Design-Center Values:

PLATE VOLTAGE.......................... 300 max volts

GRIDS No. 2 & No. 4 (SCREEN) VOLTAGE... 100 max volts

GRIDS No. 2 & No. 4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE..... 300 max volts

PLATE DISSIPATION...................... 1.0 max watt

GRIDS No. 2 & No. 4 DISSIPATION........ 1.0 max watt

TOTAL CATHODE CURRENT.................. 14  max ma


   Negative bias value................. 50 max volts

   Positive bias value.................  0 max volts


   Heater negative w.r.t cathode....... 90 max volts

   Heater positive w.r.t cathode....... 90 max volts

Characteristics - Separate Excitation:  (1)

Plate Voltage           26.5    100     250     volts

Grids #2/#4             26.5    100     100     volts

Grid #3                 -0.5    -1.5    -1.5    volts

Grid #1 (Oscillator Grid)

   Resistor             20K     20K     20K     ohms

Plate Resistance        --      0.5     1.0     megohm

Conversion Trans.       270     455     475     umhos

Conversion Trans.(2)

           Approx       --      4       4       umhos

Conversion Trans.(3)

           Approx        8      --      --      umhos

Plate Current           0.45    2.8     3.0     ma

Grids #2/#4 Current     1.6     8.0     7.8     ma

Grid #1 Current         0.1     0.5     0.5     ma

Total Cathode Current   2.15    11.3    11.3    ma

Characteristics of Oscillator Section: (4)

Plate Voltage                   26.5    100     volts

Grids #2/#4 Voltage             26.5    100     volts

Grid #3 Voltage                 0       0       volts

Grid #1 Voltage                 0       0       volts

Amplification Factor            -       22

Transconductance                4500    7200    umhos

Plate Current                   5.5     27      ma

(1)  The characteristics shown with separate excitation

     correspond very closely with those obtained in a

     self-excited oscillator circuit operating with

     zero bias.

(2)  with grid #3 bias of -30 volts

(3)  with grid #3 bias of -6 volts

(4)  Measured between grid #1 and grids #2/#4 connected

     connected to plate (not oscillating).

        The curves under type 6BE6 also

        apply to the 26D6

26D6 Characteristics Curves

Operations Characteristics Grid #3

Operations Characteristics Grid #1